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1 August 2016

Ordering grab bars with GAVA designer app

Ordering grab bars with GAVA designer app

Since August 1, 2016, GAVAdesigner can be used to order the following panels for grab bars:

  • Angular (offset grab bar on door leaf)
  • Non-angular (grab bar on panel)

Find grab bar options in Accessories.

The following options are available:

  • Separate grip
  • Set: grip + rosette
  • Set: grip + handle + rosette
  • Set double-sided handle + rosette (only available for offset grab bars ! )

Objednávanie madiel v programe GAVAdesigner

* Stainless steel matted fittings available.

* When ordering knobs, the program requires additional parameters at the final step (Order) - define the door’s opening area. If you choose a double-sided handle, the program will ask for information about profile thickness.

* Three types of handles can be selected: K1, K2 or K3. Unless you define the handle type, K1 will be delivered.